Lamborghini Egoista

The Lamborghini Egoista is a one-of-a-kind concept car... really. There's only one in the entire world.

The car was unveiled for Lamborghini's 50th anniversary and its name—Egoista—literally translates to "selfish."

This one-seater has a cockpit that's modeled after a modern fighter jet, and that steering wheel? It needs to be removed every time you enter and exit the vehicle.

It's all made of carbon fiber, aluminum, and aeronautical-spec anti-radar material.

Design chief Walter De Silva says, "It represents hedonism taken to the extreme. It is a car without compromises.”

It costs in the millions to produce...

But you'll never get to feel the adrenaline of driving this one-of-a-kind vehicle.

It's currently housed in the Lamborghini Museum in Italy.

Though if you do visit the museum to see the Egoista, you may just get a whiff of this 600 hp car. That alone may satisfy the motorhead in you!


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